REPLAY - Re-imagining Revision (2-hour craft class)


REPLAY - Re-imagining Revision (2-hour craft class)


Your replay video + craft packet will be sent within a few hours of purchase. You can then follow the course along at your own pace!

Come ready to turn your scraps, drafts, and fragments into poems and breathe new life into stagnant and stuck work!

Salvage, develop, and polish past poems through SIX guided writing exercises

This workshop is for you if:

·      You’re at an impasse on how to proceed in a draft

·      You’re having trouble finishing new work

·      You have drafts with sections you love but can’t seem to figure out how to make the whole thing come together

·      You would like some new tools and strategies for revising work

·      You want to hold yourself accountable for revisiting and improving past poems

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Ever since I heard Pádraig Ó Tuama read “They are Building a Hospital” on the Poetry Unbound podcast, I’ve been captivated by Maya Popa’s poetry. I was in search of poetry craft classes and was delighted to discover Popa has a website with online classes on a range of subjects. I have learned so much from the three classes I purchased: Putting Together a Poetry Chapbook, Re-imagining Revision, and Writing the Short Poem. These were recorded classes held on Zoom, but the audiovisual quality is excellent, and Maya is so encouraging and thoughtful in the way she approaches each class that you feel like you’re being taught by a very smart friend and mentor who truly cares about your development as a poet. I highly recommend these classes! — Lisa Merschel, Ph.D. Director, Spanish Language, Duke University